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Love, Connection, and Healing through Music

Please tell us your Kevin stories. And pretty please, donate to RADIOHEART

Hello, KEXP listeners and Kevin Cole fans!

Please contribute to our GoFundMe right here!

Your donations will be dedicated to funding a kick-ass soundtrack for RADIOHEART. (You can’t make a film about Kevin without one.)

Can’t contribute right now? Your social media shares are just as valuable! Tell your friends and network about RADIOHEART. Hit that share button. We are so grateful.

Got a Kevin story to share? Keep scrolling!

Share meaningful Kevin moments

Did Kevin Cole change your life with a song? Play a track at exactly the right moment? Introduce you to an artist who became your favorite? Did he tell a story that made you realize you’d found a friend or found your community? Share your story about a special music moment with Kevin. We’ll feature several listener stories in RADIOHEART. (We’ll ask for your permission first.)

If you’re not sure where to start, just tell us:

  • Why did that moment stick with you?
  • What song or artist do you associate with Kevin?
  • When and where did you hear it?
Tell Us Your Kevin Stories
First Name
Last Name

Contribute to our GoFundMe right here!

Your donations are dedicated to funding a kick-ass soundtrack. (You can’t make a film about Kevin without one.)

Can’t contribute right now? Please share with your social media networks. That’s a gift, too!

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