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November 26, 2024

As the holidays approach, the RADIOHEART team is hard at work and eager to share an update!

The interviews you saw in Kevin’s KEXP retirement video were just the start. Now on board to help us tell his story are:

* Bob Mould (Hüsker Dü and Sugar guitarist and vocalist)
* Kristin Hersh (Throwing Muses, 50 Ft Wave)
* Jessica Dobson (Deep Sea Diver)
* Mary Lucia (Minneapolis music royalty, radio personality, and writer)

Other names you’ll be excited to hear from are also in the pipeline.

We’re learning quickly and have been floored by the positive feedback, enthusiasm, and encouragement for RADIOHEART offered by the music and film communities. Many who know far more than we do have shared advice and help. We’re also learning about national and international film festivals and are building our festival strategy. (We are beyond lucky to have the beloved and highly esteemed SIFF in our backyard!)
Festival acceptance is an avenue to distribution and one that builds awareness for RADIOHEART.

With every step, our faith in and passion for this project only deepens, and we’ve decided to go big: we’re now committed to making a feature-length documentary. We never questioned that Kevin’s story merited it; as we dove deeper, we saw it demanded it. RADIOHEART will now clock in at about 80 minutes. Unsurprisingly, a longer film means a higher budget, primarily because of music licensing.

In addition to re-energizing this GoFundMe (thanks for your support and for sharing with your friends and family!), we will be targeting some major donors and pursuing foundation grants.

As you know, RADIOHEART received nonprofit status from the Northwest Film Forum last July, making your donations here on GoFundMe tax-deductible. In October, Washington Filmworks chose RADIOHEART as one of seven small-budget films they plan to support this year.

To secure the roughly $70,000 rebate Washington Filmworks has conditionally approved for RADIOHEART, the film must meet some requirements, including:

* 85% of the footage must be filmed in Washington State (Check.)
* A minimum of two Washington residents must hold the positions of director, producer, screenwriter, or lead actor. (Check and check.)
* And finally – the film must be fully funded.
(We’re working on that. Hard!)

We need to have raised our project’s entire budget by April 1st, 2025 to qualify for their funds. (That’s the “conditional” part of the program.) Approved films are reimbursed for 30% of their Washington spend, not including promotion and marketing.

So we’re now raising an additional $180,000 (that’s above and beyond the funds from the Washington Filmworks rebate), and we’re targeting Feb. 15 as our funds-in-place date. There are a couple of reasons for this accelerated deadline. Washington Filmworks restricts some production activities until we can prove full funding. We don’t want to leave that money on the table and we are so eager to be able to get back behind the camera! As soon as we do, we’ll share new interview footage with you.

Your continued support is invaluable as we bring Kevin’s story to the big screen. Thank you for your belief in this project.

Happy Thanksgiving! We’re grateful for you!


July 28th, 2024
November 1st, 2024

RADIOHEART is grateful for the fiscal sponsorship of the Northwest Film Forum & financial support from WA Filmworks

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